How to Read the Bible

Everyone can read the Bible better. Whether you’re someone who reads the Bible daily or someone who never reads the Bible at all, all of us can be better. God has spoken. The Creator of all that exists- sun, moon, stars, galaxies, mountains, oceans, plants, animals, human beings- has chosen to tell us who He is and what He is like. In this book, He invites us into His story and into a relationship with Him. In the Bible we learn more about the one we love and learn to obey Him. If we think about what the Bible actually is, why would we not want to be better readers of it? Below are some of the resources we talked about.

Look at the Book How to Read the Bible for Yourself Three Tips for Better Bible Reading John Piper’s letter to a 13 year old who asked how to go deeper in Bible study

ESV Study Bible

The time it takes to read through books of the Bible in one sitting

Bible translation chart

Disciple Now 2015

DNOW 2015 Legendary

Date: April 17-19
Cost: $50 ($25 for a guest)

Disciple Now is the biggest weekend of the year! It’s jam-packed full of epic Bible studies, renowned competitions, illustrious worship services, famed food, and unforgettable sleepovers! In a word, the weekend is LEGENDARY.

We’ll meet at First Baptist on Friday night for our opening session. Then, students will break into their small groups and have some epic sleepovers at host homes in Seguin. Saturday will be filled with service projects, games, bible studies, worship, and another sleepover to top it all off. Bring some friends and make it happen this year! It’s going to be Legendary!


For more info, visit our DNOW page

Monday Board Games

Since it’s pouring down rain and likely to continue raining all day, we’re going to change plans for today. We will not meet at Starcke Park for a day at the park. We will instead meet in the fellowship hall. Bring a board game and a snack to share. I’ll have a few board games too. See you today from 1pm-4pm.